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 Jacksonville Theological Seminary and Revelation Message Bible College

1945 SE 31st Terrace
Cape Coral, FL 33904 |
Phone: 1-239-770-8804 Fax: 1-239-549-2497 |
Contact Name: Dr. Ronald L. Campbell |
E-mail Address: Click here  |
Website Address: www.christcenteredmall.com/stores/jts |

Jacksonville Theological Seminary and
Revelation Message Bible College is
committed to the purpose of training
already committed believers for a lifetime
of productive service unto the Lord Jesus
Christ and His Church.
Their home study courses are centered on
the Bible, which they believe to be the
Word of God. Their endeavor is to create
a hunger for His Word and a proficiency
in declaring the Gospel of Jesus Christ
through proper communication skills.
With their Christian seminary and
Bible college, you can earn fully accredited
Associate, Bachelor, Masters, or Doctorate
degrees in Biblical Studies, Psychology,
Christian Education, or Theology from the
convenience of your own home!
You don't have to start from scratch; JTS
and Revelation Message Bible College
reviews your educational background and
will apply your college and seminary credits
toward the appropriate biblical degree.

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