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 Christ-Centered Art

9650 Strickland Road
Suite #103-123
Raleigh, NC 27615 |
Phone: 1-919-528-7777
Fax: 1-919-528-7780 |
E-mail Address: Click here  |
Website Address: www.christcenteredart.com |

Christ-Centered Art is a privately-owned
Christian art company dealing only in the
finest inspirational art prints painted by
the world's most talented artists such as
Harry Anderson, Jesse Barnes, Thomas
Blackshear, James C. Christensen,
James Coleman, Jim Daly, Simon Dewey,
Ron DiCianni, Tom Dubois, Arnold Friberg,
Nathan Greene, Danny Hahlbohm, William
Hallmark, G. Harvey, Thomas Kinkade,
Sandra Kuck, Roger Loveless, Greg Olsen,
Del Parson, William Phillips, Warner,
Sallman, Liz Lemon Swindle, Morgan,
Weistling, and Charles Wysocki plus many
other artists.
The inspirational Christian art work on
their art site portrays strong traditional
family values, biblical themes, as well as
God's wonderful creations.
Christ-Centered Art offers discount prices
on a vast selection of inspirational Christian
artprints, a free art print locator service,
prompt shipping, and secure online

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