
See search terms.

This is a digital video standard developed
for Apple Macintosh computers. Special
viewing applications are needed to run
QuickTime movies.

How well a particular web page or web site
is listed in a search engine results. For
example, a web page about apples may be
listed in response to a query for "apples."
However, "rank" indicates where exactly it
was listed — be it on the first page of
results, the second page or perhaps the
200th page. Alternatively, it might also be
said to be ranked first among all results,
or 12th, or 111th. Overall, saying a page is
"listed" only means that it can be found
within a search engine in response to a
query, not that it necessarily ranks well for
that query. Also called position.

On-line authorization of a credit card
number in real time informing the merchant
that the card has been approved. Currently
CyberCash is the leading electronic
payment system for processing transactions

A link exchange between two sites.

Sites that send visitors to your site through
a link/banner ad. "None" is also a referrer,
showing visitors who come directly to your
site through a non web site link such as
typing your address or clicking in an email,
or who have their browsers set to not
transfer referrer data. Your own web site
also shows up as a referrer. See Proxy

See submission.

After a user enters a search query, the
page that is displayed, is call the results
page. Sometimes it may be called SERPS,
for "search engine results page."

See crawler.

A file used to keep web pages from being
indexed by search engines.

Stands for "Return on Investment" and
refers to the percentage of profit or
revenue generated from a specific activity.
For example, one might measure the ROI of
a paid listing campaign by adding up the
total amount of money spent on the
campaign (say $100) versus the amount of
money generated from it in revenue (say
$500). The ROI would then be 500 percent.

A freestanding communications device designed to
transmit signals via the most efficient route
possible. Connects two or more IP networks
together, particularly two networks of
different speeds.

Generally refers to the transferring of a
slide, photograph, or other illustration from
analog into digital form. For example,
converting a photo into a scanned bitmap.
Aliasing can be a result of sampling. In the
example of scanning a photo to create a
bitmap, the result might be jagged edges.
This is fixed by anti-aliasing.

In the context of CGI programming, a file of
commands executed in real-time from an
operating system.

Any service generally designed to allow
users to search the web or a specialized
database of information. Web search
engines generally have paid listings
and organic listings. Organic listings
typically come from crawling the Web,
though often human-powered directory
listings are also optionally offered.

The act of marketing a web site via search
engines, whether this be improving rank in
organic listings, purchasing paid listings or
a combination of these and other search
engine-related activities.

The act of altering a web site so that it
does well in the organic, crawler-based
listings of search engines. In the past, it
has also been used as a term for any type
of search engine marketing activity, though
now the term search engine marketing itself
has taken over for this. Also called SEO.

The practice of trying to ensure that a
web site obtains a high rank in the search
engines. Also called search engine
positioning, search engine optimization, etc.

World Wide Web sites that allow users to
search for specific web sites by typing key
words or phrases. Popular search sites
include Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, Excite,
Lycos, WebCrawler, HotBot, and more.
Some of these search sites are simply web
directories. Web directories only include in
their search those sites which have been
listed in their directory. Others are called
search engines, which include those web
sites which someone registers with the
search site and other web sites which the
search engine finds on the web as a part
of its own robot searching software.

The words (or word) a searcher enters into
a search engine's search box. Also used to
refer to the terms a search engine marketer
hopes a particular page will be found for.
Also called keywords, query terms, or

A server using software that protects the
privacy of electronic transactions
conducted on the internet. Currently,
VeriSign is the leader in secure server
certificate technology.

Acronymn for search engine marketing
and may also be used to refer to a person
person or company that does search engine
marketing (i.e.., "They're an SEM firm).

Search Engine Marketing Professional
Organization, a non-profit, formed to
increase the awareness of and educate
people on the value of search engine

Acronym for search engine optimization
and often used to refer to a person or
company that does search engine
optimization (i.e., "They do SEO").

Acronym for search engine positioning.

See results page.

A computer on the internet so called
because it serves up files and information
to internet users (also called clients). Most
people dial into by modem or over a
network to connect to a server which
provides access to the internet. The Christ-
Centered Store is located on a server and is
available to everyone on the web 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week.

In the case of the HTML tag, IMAGE, a set
image has its height, width, and alternate
text defined. It's recommended that you
always set your images when creating
HTML documents.

Once the goods have been shipped to the
customer, the merchant can key a
transaction for settlement at which time
the customer's credit card is charged for
the transaction and the proceeds are
deposited into the merchant account.

Secure Socket Layer is an encryption
technology on the server that scrambles
important data such as credit card numbers
and order information when it is being
stored or passed from one computer to

An email message that notifies a customer
that an order has been shipped.

A software program which maintains
information about the customer during a
shopping trip to produce a seamless
shopping experience. Creates an "on-line
shopping cart" that adds items, tracks sales
tax, and calculates shipping charges.
Mercantec is one of the leading software
companies providing shopping cart

Shopping search engines allow shoppers to
look for products and prices in a search
environment. Premium placement can be
purchased on some shopping search indices.

Any search engine marketing method that
a search engine deems to be detrimental to
its efforts to deliver relevant, quality
search results. Some search engines have
written guidelines about what they consider
to be spamming, but ultimately any activity
a particular search engine deems harmful
may be considered spam, whether or not
there are published guidelines against it.

Examples of spam would be the creation of
nonsensical doorway pages designed to
please search engine algorithms rather than
human visitors or heavy repetition of search
terms on a page (i.e. the search terms are
used tens or hundreds or times in a row).

Determining what is spam is complicated by
the fact that different search engines have
different standards. A particular search
engine may even have different standards
of what's allowed, depending on whether
content is gathered through organic
methods versus paid inclusion. This term
is also referred to as spamdexing.

See crawler.

The act to submitting a URL for inclusion
into a search engine's index. Unless done
through paid inclusion, submission
generally does not guarantee listing. In
addition, submission does not help
with rank improvement on crawler-based
search engines unless search engine
optimization efforts have been taken.
Submission can be done manually (i.e., you
fill out an online form and submit) or
automated, where a software program or
online service may process the forms
behind the scenes. Also known as
registration. |

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