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Below are search engine rankings 11-20.
Netscape (11)

Owned by AOL Time Warner, Netscape
Search uses Google for its main listings.
The main difference between Netscape
Search and Google is that Netscape will list
some of Netscape's own content at the top
of its results. Netscape Search also has a
completely different look and feel than
Teoma (12)

Teoma, which first appeared in 2000, is a
crawler-based search engine owned by
Ask Jeeves. It has a smaller index of the
Web than its rival crawler-competitors:
Google, AllTheWeb, Inktomi, and AltaVista.
Teoma has won acclaim for its relevancy
and helpful suggestions such as a "Refine"
feature which offers additional topics to
explore after a search. The "Resources"
section of results is also unique since it
points users to other links that are relevant
to the searched topic. Teoma was
purchased by Ask Jeeves in September
2001 and continues to provide search
results to that web site.
Looksmart (13)

LookSmart, which independently started up
in October 1996, is a human-compiled
directory of web sites. LookSmart gathers
its listings in 2 ways: Companies join their
paid inclusion program which is similar to
an electronic "Yellow Pages", or volunteer
editors at the LookSmart-owned Zeal
directory catalog sites into non-commercial
categories for free. Looksmart recently
joined the pay per click market and is
currently the 5th largest PPC engine on
the World Wide Web.
FindWhat (14)

FindWhat is a leading developer and
provider of paid placement marketing
and commerce enabling services for online
businesses. FindWhat is currently the 3rd
largest PPC engine and can be a great
PPC engine to use. FindWhat's specialty is
2-fold: it syndicates its ad listings to a
slew of 2nd and 3rd tier search engines and
is less competitive, resulting in lower cost
Enhance (15)

Enhance Interactive (formerly Ah-ha) is
currently the 4th largest PPC search engine.
It was founded in 1999 as a family-friendly
search engine and has now branched out
to offer paid listings, paid inclusion, banners
and other contextual ads. Based in Provo,
Utah, Enhance is currently owned by
Marchex, Inc. and serves ads to thousands
of partner sites usually at a much lower
CPC when compared to Overture and
Google AdWords.
DMOZ (The Open Directory) (16)

Launched in June 1998, DMOZ is a human-
edited directory. Also known as the Open
Directory Project, it supplies all of its data,
free of charge, to any search engine or
directory that asks for the database.
There is no charge to have your site listed
in the Open Directory. Although a website is
only allowed one listing under your category
of choice, the service is valuable because
the directory's database contributes heavily
to (and outright powers) many of the major
search engines on the Web. How your
website performs in the Open Directory is
dependent on the quality of your overall
search engine optimization since the most
popular sites are listed first.
While you can search categories at the
Open Directory site itself, the best way to
scan the valuable information is to use the
Google Directory. Here, keyword searches
use Google's refined relevancy algorithms
while propelling links from the human
database to the top.
Inktomi (17)

Inktomi is the second-oldest web crawler
among the major search engines. It briefly
operated as an experimental search engine
at UC Berkeley but became a company in
1996. Inktomi was purchased by Yahoo in
March 2003 and it stays competitive with
rivals Google and AllTheWeb.com in terms
of comprehensiveness.
Dogpile (18)

A popular metasearch site owned by
InfoSpace, DogPile collects information
from various search engines, directories
and specialty search sites, then displays
results from each search engine
individually. DogPile won the Best Meta
Search Engine award from Search Engine
Watch for 2003.
Excite (19)

Formerly a crawler-based search engine,
Excite was acquired by InfoSpace in 2002
and uses the same underlying technology
as the other InfoSpace search engines
but maintains its own portal features.
Excite claims to be the most comprehensive
search tool on the Net with over 50 million
web sites indexed, plus web reviews of
more than 60,000 of the highest rated
sites. The Excite search engine uses
artificial intelligence technology to establish
relationships among the terms its web
crawler finds on indexed pages. Then it
establishes a relative relevance for
closeness of fit to the query.
Go (20)

Originally called Infoseek, Go made its debut
in 1994. It was recently purchased by The
Walt Disney Company and renamed "The Go
Network" at Go.com. Go's indexes are
generated by a web crawler, and is one of
the Web's largest organized site directory.

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the Christ-Centered Store and getting
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