
Affiliate Links
that are a step
above the rest.
 Save time and money by shopping online at the following family-friendly Christian stores:
David's Web

Rises above "faddish"
search engine ranking
schemes and trends by
using an ethical, yet
powerful, search engine
marketing strategy.
Offers full-service search
engine optimization and
search engine ranking
services for companies
that depend on their
web site for marketing,
sales, exposure, and
Uses elite, cutting-edge
search engine placement
techniques to bring most
astonishing top ten
search engine rankings
in a relatively short
period of time.
Gives your company the
the edge over the
competition by using
the latest in search
engine optimization
Saves clients' money by
drastically reducing
traditional media
advertising costs and
increasing brand
promotion as well as
website visibility.

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The Christ-Centered Store offers premier
advertising solutions for businesses of all
sizes, with high search engine rankings
on the major search engines listed below.

Search engines are the super-powerful
traffic solution on the internet; in fact,
85% of all internet surfers are directed by
search engines.
According to BrandWeek Online Magazine:
"Search engine positioning may be just
one part of an online marketing strategy,
but it is the fundamental part. It's the
baseline. If you are doing nothing else,
search engine optimization and keyword-
related advertising can make up 80 to 90
percent of traffic."

The table below shows where 3 of our
website's top keywords placed on the major
search engines as of January 2004:

Founded in April 1996, Alexa web search is
a web site discovery tool containing traffic
rankings, related links, user reviews, and
other important information about websites.
Alexa combines the powerful Google search
engine with its own comprehensive site
information and puts it all inside the
Amazon.com interface.
According to Alexa, the Christ-Centered
Store consistently ranks anywhere between
49,000 - 89,000 most-visited site on the
World Wide Web. More detailed information
regarding our website's traffic can be found
by clicking on the image below:
To learn about the major search engines
related to website visibility, please read
our article on the Best Search Engines.

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