
An e-mail message sent with the intent to
crash the recipients mailserver or
mailreader. Mail bombing is a form of
electronic harrassment and can on many
systems result in the cancellation of the
bomber's account.

A program that allows you to sort e-mail
according to information in the header.

One e-mail address made up of several
different e-mail addresses; they are similar
to newsgroups. Mailing lists allow people to
discuss common interests by posting
messages which are received by everyone
in the group. Unlike newsgroups, people
must subscribe to a mailing list to post and
receive messages. Also called a listserv.

A region on a page that displays a
horizontally scrolling text message.

Chips holding all the information your PC
needs to use. There are two kinds of
memory, RAM (Random Access Memory)
and ROM (Read Only Media).

A list presented to you, the user, with
options letting you perform specific tasks.

In Windows, the bar across the top which
contains headings, each with a pull-down

Programs where you use a menu to
complete tasks.

A "bank account" established with a
payment processor for the settlement of
credit card transactions. Any merchant
who wants to take credit card orders must
establish a merchant account. Internet
merchants need a "Card Not Present
Merchant Account."

Allows page authors to say how they would
like their pages described when listed by
search engines. Not all search engines use
the tag.

Allows page authors to add text to a page
to help with the search engine ranking
process. Not all search engines use the tag.

Allows page authors to keep their
web pages from being indexed by search
engines, especially helpful for those who
cannot create robots.txt files.

A search engine that gets listings from two
or more other search engines, rather than
through its own efforts.

Information placed in a web page not
intended for users to see but instead which
typically passes information to search
engine crawlers, browser software and
some other applications.

A device that allows a computer to connect
and communicate over telephone lines with
another computer which is also connected
to a modem. This is how most people
connect to the internet. The modem
converts computer machine language so it
can be transmitted over ordinary telephone
lines or vice versa.

Refers to a device which allows the
computer operator to move a cursor on the,
computer screen to a specific location on
the screen, and by pushing a button (called
"click") the computer will perform the
desired function. For example, if one wants
to print a document, the operator would
simply move the cursor to the print icon to
begin the printing process.

A term used to describe internet etiquette;
basically an attempt by serious fans to set
rules for online conversations.

A group of computers linked together by a
common communications protocol

One of the more than thousands of
discussion groups on the internet where
people with similar interests can post
messages. Also called Usenet groups.

Capture of order and credit card information
for later authorization and transaction
processing through a traditional card swipe
terminal or through a computer.

Technically, on line describes one's
computer being connected to other
computers. Regarding the internet, on line
means one is connected to the internet.

Services such as America Online,
Compuserve, the Microsoft Network, and
Prodigy that provide their members specific
services. Originally these on line services
provided E-Mail, discussion groups, and
proprietary information. Many confuse
these services as the internet.

An e-mail message notifying a customer
that an order has been received and will be

A system that accepts orders and initiates
a process that results in the outbound
shipment of a finished good.

Listings that search engines do not sell
(unlike paid listings). Instead, sites appear
solely because a search engine has deemed
it editorially important for them to be
included, regardless of payment.
Sometimes paid inclusion content is also
considered "organic" even though it is paid
for. This is because that content usually
appears intermixed with unpaid organic
results. Also called algorithmic results.

Links on a particular web page leading to
other web pages, whether they are within
the same web site or other web sites.

Advertising program where pages are
guaranteed to be included in a search
engine's index in exchange for payment,
though no guarantee of ranking well is
typically given. For example, Looksmart is a
directory that lists pages and sites, not
based on position but based on relevance.
Marketers must pay to be included in the
directory. Payment is based on CPC (Cost
Per Click) or per-URL listed with absolutely
no guarantee of specific placement.

Listings that search engines sell to
advertisers, usually through paid placement
or paid inclusion programs. In contrast,
organic listings are not sold.

Advertising program where listings are
guaranteed to appear in response to
particular search terms, with higher ranking
typically obtained by paying more than
other advertisers. Paid placement listings
can be purchased from a portal or a search
network. Search networks are often set up
in an auction environment where keywords
and phrases are associated with a cost-
per-click (CPC) fee. Overture and Google
are the largest networks, but MSN and
other portals sometimes sell paid placement
listings directly as well. Portal sponsorships
are also a type of paid placement.

Stands for "Personal Area Network." A short-range wireless connection among personal devices such as PCs, cell phones, and PDAs. A common PAN standard is Bluetooth.

Term popularized by some search engines
as a synonym for pay-per-click, stressing
to advertisers that they are only paying for
ads that "perform" in terms of delivering
traffic, as opposed to CPM-based ads
where ads cost money even if they don't
generate a click.

See cost per click.

See rank.

Stands for pay-per-click and means the
same as cost per click.

A set of technical rules and standards for
computer communication. Without
protocols, computer networks could not
exist since computers would not
communicate with each other in an
intelligible manner. |

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