
A list of keywords most
related to the term
acronym is listed below:

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Acronyms are terms used to refer to
initialisms, which are combinations of
letters representing a longer phrase).
A glossary, dictionary, and encyclopedia
of computer e-mail and chat acronyms
used on the Internet and World Wide Web
is listed below to better educate users with
Internet slang, lingo, and jargon.
We hope that our computer encyclopedia
and dictionary of e-mail acronyms,
chat acronyms, Internet acronyms, and
web acronyms prove to be quite useful.


Listed below are computer, Internet, Web,
email, and chat acronyms used in e-mails
chat rooms, and Instant Messaging (IM).

? | Huh? |
?4U | Question for you |
2L8 | Too late |
2U2 | To you too |
4GM | Forgive me |
4RL? | For real? |
AAMOF | As a matter of fact |
AAYF | As always, your friend |
AFAIK | As far as I know |
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AKA | Also known as |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
ASL | Age, sex, location? |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture? |
ATM | At the moment |
ATYS | Anything you say |
AWA | As well as |
B/C | Because |
B4 | Before |
B4N | Bye for now |
BAC | Back at computer |
BAK | Back at keyboard |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBL | Be back later |
BBS | Be back soon |
BC | Be cool |
BCNU | Be seeing you |
BD | Big deal |
BF | Boyfriend |
BFD | Big freakin' deal |
BFF | Best friends forever |
BFN | Bye for now |
BIL | Brother in law |
BME | Based on my experience |
BOT | Back on topic |
BRB | Be right back |
BRH | Be right here |
BTDT | Been there, done that |
BTW | By the way |
BYTM | Better you than me |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong |
CU | See you |
CUL | Catch you later |
CUL8R | See you later |
CUS | See you soon |
CWOT | Complete waste of time |
CYA | See ya |
CYL | Catch ya later |
DBEYR | Don't believe everything you read |
DHYB | Don't hold your breath |
DIIK | Darned if I know |
DIY | Do it yourself |
DQYDJ | Don't quit your day job |
EAK | Eating at keyboard |
EG | Evil grin |
EOD | End of discussion |
EOL | End of lecture |
EOR | End of rant |
F | Female |
F2F | Face to face |
FAQ | Frequently asked questions |
FCOL | For crying out loud |
FIL | Father in law |
FITB | Fill in the blanks |
FNB | Football and beer |
FOCL | Falling off the chair laughing |
FOFL | Falling on the floor laughing |
FUBAR | Fed up beyond all recognition |
FWIW | For what it's worth |
FYA | For your amusement |
FYI | For your information |
G | Grin |
G2G | Gotta go |
GA | Good afternoon |
GA | Go ahead |
GAL | Get a life |
GAS | Greetings and salutations |
GBH | Great big hug |
GE | Good evening |
GF | Girlfriend |
GFN | Gone for now |
GG | Good game |
GI | Good idea |
GICBTS | Gosh, I can't believe that stuff! |
GICNBY | Gosh, I cannot believe you! |
GIWISI | Gee, I wish I said it |
GJ | Good job |
GL | Good luck |
GM | Good morning |
GM | Good move/match |
GMTA | Great minds think alike |
GN | Good night |
GR8 | Great |
GTG | Got to go |
H | Hug |
H/O | Hold on |
H&K | Hugs and Kisses |
HAGD | Have a good day |
HAND | Have a nice day |
HB | Hug back |
HCIT | How cool is that? |
HF | Have fun |
HH | Ha-ha |
HHSF | Ha-ha, so funny |
HHVF | Ha-ha, very funny |
HO | Hold on |
HOAS | Hold on a second |
HTH | Hope this helps |
IAC | In any case |
IAG | It's all good |
IAGW | In a good way |
IB2D | I beg to differ |
IC | I see |
IC | In character |
IDGI | I don't get it |
IDK | I don't know |
IDNDT | I did not do that |
IDNK | I do not know |
IIRC | If I remember correctly |
IK | I know |
IKWUM | I know why you mean |
IMAO | In my arrogant opinion |
IME | In my experience |
IMHBMAO | In my humble but most accurate opinion |
IMHO | in my humble opinion |
IMNSHO | in my not so humble opinion |
INRS | It's not rocket science |
IOW | In other words |
IRL | In real life |
IRSTBO | It really sucks the big one |
IS | I'm sorry |
ISWYM | I see what you mean |
J/K | Just kidding |
J/P | Just playing |
JMHO | Just my humble opinion |
JTLYK | Just to let you know |
K | Okay |
KIR | Keepin' it real |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid |
KIT | Keep in touch |
KWIM | Know what I mean? |
KYSOTI | Keep your stick on the ice |
L8R | Later |
LMK | Let me know |
LOL | Laugh out loud |
LTNS | Long time, no see |
LTR | Long term relationship |
LYK | Let you know |
LYLAB | Love you like a brother |
LYLAS | Love you like a sister |
LUM | Love you man |
M | Male |
M8 | Mate (friend) |
ME2 | Me too |
MIL | Mother in law |
MMA | Meet me at |
MMAMP | Meet me at my place |
MOO | My own opinion |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
N | In |
N/C | Not cool |
N2M | Not too much |
NBD | No big deal |
NE1 | Anyone |
NFW | No freakin' way |
NLT | No later than |
NM | Nevermind |
NM | Not much |
NMH | Not much here |
NMJC | Nothing much, just chillin' |
NNITO | Not necessarily in that order |
NO1 | No one |
NOTTOMH | Not off the top of my head |
NOYB | None of your business |
NP | No problem |
NRN | No reply necessary |
NVM | Nevermind |
NW | No way |
OIC | Oh, I see |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
OMOHOD | One minute, one hour, one day |
ONNA | Oh no, not again |
OOC | Out of character |
OT | Off topic |
OT | Other topic |
OT | Over time |
OTOH | On the other hand |
PIMP | Pee in my pants |
PLZ | Please |
POS | Parent over shoulder |
PPL | People |
QT | Cutie |
RESQ | Rescue |
RFC | Request for comment |
RHIP | Rank has its privileges |
ROF | Rolling on the floor |
ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual |
S/B | Should be |
S2R | Send to receive |
SCNR | Sorry, could not resist |
SIL | Sister in law |
SK8 | Skate |
SLY | Still love you |
SOS | Same old stuff |
SOS | Sibling over shoulder |
SOS | Someone special |
SSDD | Same stuff, different day |
STR8 | Straight |
SWAK | Sealed with a kiss |
SWALK | Sweet, with all love, kisses |
SWDYWTTA | So what do you want to talk about? |
SYSOP | System Operator |
TBC | To be continued |
TC | Take care |
TC | That's cool |
TCO | Taken care off |
TGIF | Thank goodness it's Friday |
TIA | Thanks in advance |
THX | Thanks |
TMA | Take my advice |
TMI | Too much information |
TNX | Thanks |
TOH | The other half |
TTFN | Ta ta for now |
TTYL | Talk to you later |
TTYS | Talk to you soon |
TTYVS | Talk to you very soon |
TWIMC | To whom it may concern |
TY | Thank you |
TYVM | Thank you very much |
U2 | You too |
UR | You are |
UR | Your |
URSKTM | You are so kind to me |
VBG | Very big grin |
W/ | With |
W/E | Whatever |
W/O | Without |
W2F | Way too funny |
W8 | Wait |
W8AM | Wait a minute |
WAEFRD | When all else fails, read directions |
WB | Welcome back |
WB | Write back |
WC | Who cares |
WDMB | Will do my best |
WE | Whatever |
WNDITWB | We never did it this way before |
WRT | With regard to |
WTG | Way to go! |
WWJD | What would Jesus do? |
XOXOXO | Hugs and kisses |
Y | Why? |
YMMV | Your mileage may vary |
YRG | You are good! |
YVW | You're very welcome |
YW | You're welcome |


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